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chinese girl

artGIFT ►triangle-_-cut◄, ursprünglich hochgeladen von ۞►/streetart#───█ + ♥.tk

the cardboard is lasting  more than a year


►fridge magnet ► pe board ► carpet glue ►﴾͡๏̯͡๏﴿

strengt fridge door magnets: 9mm x 3mm x > 1m

Magnet object placed with a telescope pole

the idn domains ►.tk + ﴾͡๏̯͡๏﴿.tk  Ie6

the end of the telescope pole

tool - Share on Ovi


jail, originally uploaded by ! »☺►/streetart#───█ -_- ©██.


pe advertising board nailed, glued + fixed with cabel ties
The advantage: you can crop this plastic material with a cutter easier than cardboard. On the most lamp posts you can find past cable ties pe board installation - Twango﴾͡๏̯͡๏﴿ in some cases it is possible to nail this board nailed pe board beside a ovewrworked borat ad - Twango In the case below inserted into the cable tie from the lamp post number.

more fotos from SeX # ─────██████████════█
trianglecut shows a past, painted 6

trianglecut shows a past painted 6 -_- originally uploaded by -_-  ! ►/streetart#───█ -_-﴾͡๏̯͡๏﴿.tk

more triangle cuts:  slideshow

in pe board

below Schröder + Münte  [ flagged stickA ] [ triangle cut ] [ overworked sticker ]pe board installation - Share on Ovi
planed: to publish the whole triangle stuff @