address initials , the fastest way to access a bigger amount preferred WEBPAGES files + folder
With logical 3 digit shortcuts you can access very fast around 1000 webpages, local files or folders.
Theoreticaly: 43x43x43 = 80 000
Recommendation: try it in firefox: Menu "bookmarks" 1)add as b.m. 2) edit properties 3)access
another example for address.initials
Theoreticaly: 43x43x43 = 80 000
Recommendation: try it in firefox: Menu "bookmarks" 1)add as b.m. 2) edit properties 3)access

another example for address.initials
=> MORE -_-â–ˆâ•â•â•â•â–ˆâ–ˆâ–ˆâ–ˆâ–ˆâ–ˆâ–ˆâ–ˆâ–ˆâ–ˆâ–ˆâ”€â”€â”€â”€â”€
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