the bucket on top installed in 2002 or 2003
one of the 1st photos from this Borat piece 1cm.de/Borat───█
Comments(0) Tags: 1cm.de, ☺, Board, borat, bucket, stencil, streetartGallery, syringe, Xtended, Ying —
►۞ | streetart.ovh#─────██████████════█___The_6reatest_streetart_quantity___600_000_painted_originals__50_000_installations_[not_street-art] | ۞◄ |
the bucket on top installed in 2002 or 2003
one of the 1st photos from this Borat piece 1cm.de/Borat───█
Comments(0) Tags: 1cm.de, ☺, Board, borat, bucket, stencil, streetartGallery, syringe, Xtended, Ying —