hints ] [1024x768] [ tested: Ie,
best viewed with mozilla
firefox] [mac´s can´t display the 100%
bar characters █ and the ascii hammer ───█ ]
or streetart.info/sticka#───█
-_- shortURL 1cm.de/s
stickA are objects or
combinations of materials @ stickerspots , where you can take off a part or
the object complietly. The protectors are ment for the collectors
-_- 1cut => 2 forms and a perfect linkart piece =>
2nd cut => parallelogram a special trapez

[by klicking you can view the pics with bigger sizes and registert
users can leave comments]
--_-- 1cut 1 form

an older site version below
1 -_- between
traffic sign + poll installed bucked lids -_- screwed lids -_- since 1996 5000
pieces in Berlin.
2 -_- sticker / protector combinations -_- [since 2002]
3 -_- with paint pasted kitchen tiles, cd´s, dvd´s
signed with the "e-_-m@il
smily" ( -_-@domain.xy ) or smily.tk
( the bigger tiles secured with hook nails ) -_- [since 2003]

shows also wethered stickers, partly signed with plastification, so you can´t
cross them

object made of a material with the strenght 1,2mm

view the link descriptions in the statusbar ↓
streetart technique blog
-_- stickereXchange.tk
-_- streetart.WIKId.de -_-
streetart.info -_-