October 29, 2008


— a @ 5:13 am

hallo barbara

a short introduction

-_- the 1st StreetARTIST in europe, if you see a difference beetween streetart (REMOVABLE poster sticker installations  ) and graffiti ( bombing tagging stencil +.. )

-_- the most streetart ~ 650 000 pieces size 60×90  i.e http://streetart.info/poster  ~ 50 000 installed objects (smily-_-lids + buckets , inserted tiles ..)

-_- more important is my web + pc technique




i´m using different names  i.e. ” 6“  “SeX” “4rtist.com“  and Xtended combinations

4rtist.com#─────██████████════█”  (= blog name)   or  ” !!6_or_SeX-_-█════██████████─────.4rtist.com ”

my best installations : stuff on + on top of the berlin wall

i.e.a couch , a handcart + chairs    http://streetart.blogspot.com/1999/11/wall.html

On the -_- Happening wall -_-  it would be nice to install a  flipped bike on top

This requiers an old (men) bike (with or without a  saddle) and a vertical hole on top of the wall

size : ~25cm x ~4cm ( for the bike saddle pole).

Is it possible to orgenize this ?

thanks in advance for your efforts ti orgenize this


October 28, 2008


— a @ 11:45 pm

SHORTED billboard


— a @ 2:33 am

 in english streetart.info/enhancement#───█



October 24, 2008

— a @ 12:20 am

— a @ 12:13 am

October 23, 2008

— a @ 8:08 pm
bullet ?

October 21, 2008

— a @ 1:12 am
xui xui

October 19, 2008

— a @ 6:23 pm
removed tiles

October 18, 2008

— a @ 11:28 pm
sick bunny

October 17, 2008

— a @ 9:54 pm
abstract mattress syringe ?

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