﴾͡๏̯͡๏﴿ COUCH ” e=mc ” face to the rails Alexanderplatz-Janowitzbrücke @ a parking space ﴾͡๏̯͡๏﴿
installed  1997 lasted until 2001     --__--   my recent stuff @ image by 4rtist.com : →  ♥.tk

﴾͡๏̯͡๏﴿ COUCH

COUCH ” e=mc∞ ” face to the rails, originally uploaded by ۞►/streetart#───█ + ♥.tk.

one of my best installations and graffiti  face to the rails between Alexanderplace + Janowitzbrücke/ EASTstation

The couch lasted 3 years on this roof chimney
The painted stuff 1997 until 2005

On  top of the East Side Gallery (may 1995 - jul 1996) , the 1st european streetart piece if you see a difference beetween streetart + graffiti

enlarged 6de.de/esg.jpg   █════███████████───── my 1st installation in Berlin ►couch ►bike trailer ►xmas tree on the East Side Gallerystreetart.blogspot.com/search/label/wall

█════███████████───── ►couch.jpg ◄installed 1998-2001 -_- destroyed by Martin Reiter